Daisy give me a feeling of kindness, but who would pick a daisy over a field of roses. Have a nice day!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bestie Aiwei 18th birthday bash!

Hello is me again! Time to blog about my bestie advance birthday celebration night at Rooftalk Cafe.
But felt sorry that couldn't make a date with her today.
Happy birthday yoo!
Okay pictures are more than words to show now.


 Everyone expect their birthday will hv a surprise, so the surprise here we go.
Doraemon cup cakes! Happy 18th birthday babe

 #bestieforever  #bff

 Terriyaki chicken.

Feel like wanna flash back some of the photos of us hahah 

Pictures of my birthday dinner celebration night .

The day we create this hash tag LOL

The mickey instant mini film  

take one.
take two.

Stay chubi and healthy always
By relyensim.